ンガダ Ngada はフローレス島中部の民族で、1986年当時は東のエンデ Ende 県と西のマンガライ Manggarai 県にはさまれたンガダ Ngada 県を構成していた。2007年以降、東のナゲケオ Nagekeo (本来 Nage と Keo は異なる慣習をもつ社会)は独立の県とされたものの、集落や家屋の形式はこの地域全体で非常によく似ている。ただし、ンガダ県でも北部の Riung 地方はンガダ文化の圏外にある。
ンガダはもともと民族的なアイデンティティーをもった集団にあたえられた名前ではなかった。Bajawa 地方を中心とする大クラン(Woe という) "Ngadha" の通婚範囲(現在の5市にまたがる)にみられる特有の文化をンガダと呼ぶ。その文化の特徴は、祖先祭祀 Reba をおこない、そのための施設である Ngadhu や Bhaga を集落内にもつことにある。
Population 245 864 :
The Ngadha people of Ngada district are also called Rokka or Rokanese. The district is located in the southern and central parts of Flores, around the Inerie volcano and on the Bajawa plateau. Agriculture is the dominating source of income, and farmers cultivate corn, millet, and vegetables. Vanilla has been one of the most profitable crops in recent years. Some areas are also suitable for terraced rice fields.
The name (Ngada) was taken from one of the seven big clans which, according to a myth, once undertook a long journey from mainland Southeast Asia and came to settle on this particular stretch of coast. However, the Ngada people did not use this name for themselves.
Each sub-clan consists of three lineages related hierarchically, each of which possesses particular ritual titles. Each of these lineages is comprised of a female and a male half, thus forming six different lineages. The highestranking title is called saka and is divided into saka pu’u, the female component, and saka lobo, the male component. Pu’u means trunk or source, and refers to the idea that women are the source of everything and that human life originates from the female body. Lobo is the tip, the offspring, the younger one. The lower titles are kaka and dai, split into a binary pair: kaka pu’u and kaka lobo and dai pu’u and dai lobo. Kaka and dai are classified as followers or younger siblings of saka.
Membership in a clan, a lineage, or a house is always determined through the uterine (maternal) line. Genealogical continuity is transmitted only through women. [Schröter 2005]
Red cocks and black hens
Dalam Su’i Uwi juga menjelaskan bahwa leluhur orang Ngadha juga merupakan para pelaut yang cukup tangguh sehingga dalam proses migrasi mereka selalu menggunakan perahu dari satu pulau ke pulau lain..... Daerah yang bersangkutan adalah India (pu’u Zili Giu pu’u Zili Tana India) sebagai tempat asal, Zealand (Selo One), Cina, Malaka (se’a gha Maza Tana Malaka), Jawa, Sumbawa (Raba), Sumba (Wio) dan sampai pada pendaratan di Ota Roja (Pulau Flores).
To the new generation the elders teach every thing inherited to their social life; each name of ancestor that symbolized in Ngadhu (male ancestor) and Bhaga (female ancestor), each Sao Meze and and the member of each from the old generation up to now.
The yearly reba-cycle starts in Bena on 26 December and then continues to other villages. Other rituals in connection to the agricultural cycle are held as well: the zoa-planting ritual in September or October, and the keti kua ritual in April or May.
Flores Island Online Information