南スマトラの Dempo山(標高3173mの活火山)の山麓にひろがる高原地帯は、現在のパガララム Pagaralam、ラハト Lahat を中心に多くの巨石遺構が散在し、古代に文化的中心があったことをうかがわせる。19世紀にオランダがこの地の統治に乗り出して以来、Pasemah の名は海外にも知られるようになるが、本来の現地の呼称は Besemah である。
伝統家屋を Ghumah Baghi(Ghumah=家、Baghi=古い)という。北スマトラのトバ・バタックとよく似た大屋根構造の家屋本体を太い自立柱(束)で持ち上げた高床建築であり、彫刻の有無によって3つの建築類型を区別している。
Ghumah Baghi Tatahan 彫刻のある家
Ghumah Baghi Ghilipan 彫刻のない家
Ghumah Baghi Sasak 網代壁の家
また間仕切りのない屋内空間には、社会階層に応じた段差がもうけられている。とくに4年に一度、家宝をあらためる儀式をおこなう際には、長老 jurei tue がもっとも高い部分に座をしめる。。。
Ogan-Besemah: Residents of the area sometimes refer to the entire grouping as Ogan" or "Dempo" people, but more often distinguish between two subfamilies: the Besemah subgroup to the west (often written "Pasemah") and the Ogan subgroup to the east...Dutch rule began in 1816, but was largely limited to the area around Palembang city. Local rulers carried out active resistance to Dutch conquest, and only in 1866 was the entire area officially under colonial control. Encyclopedia of World Cultures
Pasemah was the name given by a foreigner to this people group due to a difference in pronunciation. Their name is actually Besemah, which is more consistent with how they themselves and other people groups around them would pronounce the name. The center of the Besemah territory is the volcanic peak, Mount Dempo. Besemah communities spread from that volcano's slopes to the west, south and southwest along the Bukit Barisan mountain range. Joshuaproject
The Besemah people inhabit the southern highlands of Sumatra. Unlike many neighbouring peoples, the Besemah maintained their indigenous religion, which was based largely their founding ancestors (known as poyang) until the late nineteenth century. The nearby volcano Gunung Dempo was sacred to the Besemah people, and was believed to be inhabited by various supernatural agents, including the spirits of their dead. Pulotu
The Pasemah people are believed to have originated in Borneo before migrating to Sumatra and the Pasemah Plateau. The Pasemah of Sumatra people cluster encompasses the Pasemah and several related ethnic groups that speak Central Malay and practice Sunni Islam.
Peoples within this cluster: Kaur; Kikim; Lematang; Lintang; Pasemah; Semendo; Serawai / Population: 1,375,000 Peoplegroups
Ghumah Baghi atau Rumah Baghi, atau Ghumah Tatahan, merupakan rumah adat tradisional di Provinsi Sumatra Selatan yang dibangun oleh Suku Besemah (atau disebut juga Pasemah). Secara etimologis dalam Bahasa Indonesia Ghumah artinya Rumah, sedangkan Baghi (dibaca: bari) artinya tua. Selain diartikan sebagai rumah lama, tua atau kuno, bisa juga Ghumah Baghi disebut sebagai "rumah peninggalan zaman dahulu kala". id.Wikipedia
Palsafah "Bubulan" pada Rumah Baghi Besemah KasKus
The Ogan people are an ethnolinguistic group of South Sumatra, found along the Ogan river valley. The Ogan of Sumatra people cluster encompasses the Ogan and a handful of related ethnic groups whose languages were once thought to be distinct but are now classified as dialects of Central Malay or Musi.
Peoples within this cluster: Belide; Enim; Ogan; Pegagan; Penesak / Population: 662,000 Peoplegroups
Rumah ulu is a vernacular house found in the highland of South Sumatra, Indonesia. The house is associated with the Uluan people who reside in the region of the upstream of the Ogan and Musi River....No new ulu house have been constructed since the 1920s. A 200 years old ulu house is kept in the Balaputradeva Museum. The rumah ulu in the museum was taken from Asamkelat Village in Pengandonan Subdistrict of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. Wikipedia