In 1624, Sultan Agung of Mataram conquered Madura and the island's government was brought under the Cakraningrats.... the Dutch gained control of the eastern half of Madura in 1705....In a 1743 treaty with the Dutch, Pakubuwono I ceded full sovereignty of Madura to the Dutch Wikipedia
Polygyny is allowed by Islamic law, but it is a rare man (usually a village official) who can afford to practice it. Marriage with one's first or second cousin is preferred. Marriage proposals are made by the groom's parents and include gifts. If the proposal is accepted, a bride-price including cattle is given, and the groom's parents set the date of the wedding. Wedding is by Madurese custom, but includes a Muslim religious teacher ( kiyai ). The ideal of postmarital residence is neolocal, but few newlywed couples can afford to live independently and so usually live with the bride's family.
Marriage and family - Madurese
Tanean Lanjhang adalah Permukiman tradisional Madura adalah suatu kumpulan rumah yang terdiri atas keluargakeluarga yang mengikatnya.....Satu kelompok rumah terdiri atas 2 sampai 10 rumah, atau dihuni sepuluh keluarga yaitu keluarga batih yang terdiri dari orang tua, anak, cucu, cicit dan seterusnya.....Susunan rumah disusun berdasarkan hirarki dalam keluarga. Barat-timur adalah arah yang menunjukan urutan tua muda....Di ujung paling barat terletak langgar/surau. Bagian utara merupakan kelompok rumah yang tersusun sesuai hirarki keluarga. Susunan barat-timur terletak rumah orang tua, anak-anak, cucu, dan cicit-cicit dari keturunan perempuan.
Tanean Lanjhang